
2:00 PM - Closed Session (Council Only)
3:00 PM - Public Session

(At Council's discretion, this portion of the meeting may be closed to the public if a matter to be discussed is within one of the exceptions to disclosure in Division 2 of Part l of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act.)

Chief Administrative Officer Objectives (FOIP s. 17(2)(e))


Members of the Holy Trinity Academy Knights curling teams will be in attendance to be recognized for their recent successes at the Senior High School South-Central Zone bonspiel.

The Affordable Housing Strategy recommends the creation of a Housing Reserve Fund to support the construction and operation of affordable housing projects in Okotoks.

The purpose of Bylaw 10-25 is to amend Land Use Bylaw 17-21 by redesignating approximately 3.26 hectares (8.05 acres) of land comprising Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 181 0673 from Agricultural & Land Holdings District to Traditional Neighbourhood District and Recreation & Open Space District.

The purpose of Bylaw 11-25 is to amend Land Use Bylaw 17-21 by redesignating approximately 7.81 hectares (19.31 acres) of land comprising Lot 3, Block 9, Plan 181 0640 from Agricultural & Land Holdings District to Traditional Neighbourhood District and Recreation & Open Space District.



The purpose of Bylaw 33-24 is to amend Land Use Bylaw 17-21 by redesignating approximately +/- 12.82 ha (+/- 31.68 acres) of land within the Ridgemont North Area Structure Plan from Agricultural & Land Holdings District to Neighbourhood Core District, Traditional Neighbourhood District, and Recreation & Open Space District.

This Bylaw is ready for third reading.

The purpose of 07-25 is to amend Governance Committees of Council Bylaw 04-24 by adding Schedule 5 to establish a Policing Committee in the Town of Okotoks.

This Bylaw is ready for three readings.

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