
3:00 PM - Public Session

(At Council's discretion, this portion of the meeting may be closed to the public if a matter to be discussed is within one of the exceptions to disclosure in Division 2 of Part l of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act.)

Human Resources Matter (FOIP s. 17(4)(d), 17(5)(f)(i))


The 2024 Second Quarter Variance Report is provided to Council for information.

The new Utilities Affordability Statutes Amendment Act requires that the Town re-advertise the existing approved ATCO Franchise Fee agreement.

Flag, proclamations, and lighting of the Municipal Centre requests approved by the Chief Administrative Officer are provided to Council for information.

A final report of the 2024 Summer Conservation Education Program’s activities and successes is presented to Council.

Administration has completed a holistic review of the Business License Bylaw to reduce barriers for doing business in Okotoks and ensure alignment of the purpose of the bylaw with service levels.

Administration is preparing to launch a public awareness campaign regarding noise attenuation and is proposing a one (1) year sound pressure level meter pilot, following Traffic Bylaw amendments.

Council direction is required regarding a potential change to the water and wastewater utility rate structure.

A 2024 Capital Budget amendment is requested to add Project 347 for the purchase of a Fire Water Tender truck as part of the Fire Master plan recommendation.



The purpose of Bylaw 20-24 is to adopt the North Point Area Structure Plan to facilitate phased industrial development of approximately +/- 246ha (+/- 608 acres) of land in northeast Okotoks. 

This Bylaw requires an amendment prior to Calgary Metropolitan Region Board approval.

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