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Delilah Miller, Foothills County Reeve, will Call to Order the July 5, 2024 Intermunicipal Committee Meeting at 1:00 p.m.

MOTION REQUESTED: That the July 5, 2024 agenda for the Intermunicipal Committee Meeting be adopted as presented.

MOTION REQUESTED: That the minutes of the Intermunicipal Committee Meeting held May 30, 2024 be adopted as presented.

An update on the Foothills/Okotoks Regional Water Project is provided for information.

MOTION REQUESTED: That the Foothills/Okotoks Regional Water Project Update for July 5, 2024 be received as information.

A utilization and future planning study of the Cavalry Regional Field House has been completed and is presented to the Intermunicipal Committee.

MOTION REQUESTED: That the Intermunicipal Committee accept the report and presentation on the utilization and future planning for Cavalry Regional Fieldhouse as presented.

Joint Administrations will provide a verbal update on the Joint Planning Area 3 Boundaries discussion.

MOTION REQUESTED: That the Intermunicipal Committee accept the Joint Planning Area 3 update as presented.

Joint Administrations will provide an update following the Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Champion Park Society.

MOTION REQUESTED: That the Intermunicipal Committee accept the Friends of Champion Park - Dissolution of Society as presented.

(This portion of the meeting may be closed to the public if a matter to be discussed is within one of the exceptions to disclosure in Division 2 of Part l of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act.)

The next meeting of the Intermunicipal Committee is Tuesday, September, 24, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. in Okotoks.

MOTION REQUESTED: That the July 5, 2024 Intermunicipal Committee Meeting adjourn at   p.m.